Scientific and technological peace research emerged in the course of the East-West conflict in connection with the risks of developing and proliferating nuclear weapons and has been institutionalized at research institutes and universities in Germany since the 1980s. Since then, scientists have been researching the possible negative consequences of new technologies, the limitation of research and innovation to peaceful goals and the proliferation-resistant design of civilian technologies. The aim is also to develop alternative technological concepts, for example in connection with climate change and environmental protection. In view of the multitude of crises, be it with regard to international security, arms control or the climate crisis, scientific and technological peace research is an important component of interdisciplinary peace and conflict research. The colloquium, in cooperation with PRIF and the Technical University of Darmstadt, will focus on questions of disciplinarity and interdisciplinarity, the self-image of research and policy advice, but also the joint discussion of important aspects of international security and peace policy.
The Conference is co-organized by the Peace Research Institut Frankfurt (PRIF), the Institute of Political Science at the Technical University Darmstadt and PEASEC and co-financed by TraCe.TraCe Researchers Susanne Buckley-Zistel, Jonas Wolff, Constantin Ruhe, Iris Volg, Laura Guntrum und Stefka Schmid participate in the discussion at the conference.
Here you can find the complete Call for Papers and the preliminary conference program. More information on the conference can be found on the AFK-Website.