This website is operated by the Regional Research Center Transformations of Political Violence.
Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF)
Baseler Straße 27-31
D-60329 Frankfurt am Main
Authority to represent the company according to article 5 TMG:
- Prof. Dr. Nicole Deitelhoff (Executive Director)
- Prof. Dr. Christopher Daase (Deputy Director)
Responsible for content
- Tina Cramer
- Jannik Pfister
- Dr. Annika Elena Poppe
Contact: trace-coordination(at)
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In parts of the website you are requested to provide personal information. These are only stored and processed for delivering you the information you have requested. PRIF guarantees that your personal data is treated confidentially according to the stipulations incorporated in the valid data protection legislation. Further Information can be found on our page for data protection.
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Photo Credit
- Header Home, About Us, Research/Overview, Events, News: Reifenspuren im Sand (edited, original in color), Photo: Admiral_Lebioda via Pixabay, License: Pixabay-License.
- Header Research Area 1: Eisspirale (edited, original in color), Foto: imagii via Pixabay, License: Pixabay-License.
- Header Research Area 2: „High rises in black and white“, Photo: Matthew Henry via Unsplash, License: Unsplash-License.
- Header Research Area 3: „Protestas en Chile de 2019, Plaza Baquedano, Santiago, Chile“ (edited, original in color), Photo: Carlos Figueroa via Wikimedia Commons, License: CC BY-SA 4.0.
- Header Research Area 4: „Urban Art, Heilig-Sacramentstraat, Gent, Belgium" (edited, original in color), Photo: Jelleke Vanooteghem via Unplash, License: Unplash-License.
- Header Lecture Series: „Woman Pen Notebook" (edited, original in color), Photo: The Climate Reality Project, License: Unplash-License.