
TraCe welcomes new researcher

Association of Larissa-Diana Fuhrmann read more

Filmgespräch zu „Intercepted”

Jonas J. Driedger zu Besuch im naxos.Kino read more

Exchange on targeted violence against social activists

International workshop at ConTrust (Goethe University Frankfurt) in cooperation with PRIF and TraCe read more

Escalation of Violence in Ecuador

Fifth TraCe Policy Brief by Elena Dressler and Jonas Wolff identifies causes and discusses policy implications read more

TraCe welcomes Visiting Fellows

Juan Albarracín and Suparna Banerjee begin Fellowships read more

Examining the Spectrum of Digital Violence Against Social Activists

Fourth TraCe Policy Brief by Laura Guntrum and Christian Reuter sheds light on digital violence against social activists read more

Targeted Violence Against Social Activists

Third TraCe Working Paper by Visiting Fellow Juan Albarracín and Jonas Wolff sheds light on its characteristics, causes, and transformations read more

Politics of Public Space and Transformations of Memories of Violence

TraCe members organize Panel at Memory Studies Association (MSA) annual Conference in Lima  read more

Dealing with fieldwork risk: Data security and beyond

Workshop Report read more

Zwischenbericht zum Afghanistan Einsatz

Informationsveranstaltung zum Zwischenbericht der Enquete-Kommission mit dem Bundestagsabgeordneten Philip Krämer read more

Advisory Board Member Anoma Pieris on visit in Frankfurt

Several events on War Incarceration Camps and Cosmopolitan Memory in Post-Colonial Contexts read more

Third Annual Conference: The Excessive Use of Force

The deadline for abstract submission has been extended until June 7, 2024 read more

Dr. Mariel Reiss held two lectures at the University of Pretoria

TraCe Research in South Africa read more

Third edition of the TraCe Lecture Series this summer term

Lecture series “Violence as a Global Challenge” on Wednesday evenings in Darmstadt  read more

“The Excessive Use of Force”

The Call for Papers for the third TraCe Annual Conference is online read more

Sixth TraCe Colloquium and General Assembly in Frankfurt

TraCe members came together for scientific and organizational exchange  read more

Scenario workshop on Ecuador

Prof. Dr Jonas Wolff speaks at the BMZ about perspectives on the current conflict in Ecuador read more

Memory as a resource in conflict transformation

In-depth report on event in Bogotá published read more

New TraCe Podcast Episode Online (in German)

Dr Kaya de Wolff and Verena Lasso Mena share insights to their field research at PRIF Talk  read more

TraCe Research Colloquium at Marburg University

Researchers discuss police violence in public colloquium read more

Workshop: “BEYOND ACADEMIA” – How researchers can engage practice

TraCe Visiting Fellow Miyerlandy Cabanzo Valencia organized workshop at PRIF read more

TraCe organizes school workshop on NATO

Frankfurt students deal with global perspectives on NATO read more

TraCe welcomes new researcher

Association of Stefka Schmid read more

TraCe Team starts the new year with new members

Association of Juliana González Villamizar and Iris Volg  read more

ReflectiÖns on Monroe-Doctrine

Hendrik Simon introduces a new format on Völkerrechtsblog  read more

Spotlight on TraCe: BMBF reports on “ICT4Peace” dialogue panel

Review on TraCe conference in Darmstadt highlighting practical exchange on digital peacebuilding (in German) read more

Analysis of public media discourse on Sámi Truth Commission in Sweden

Sabine Mannitz and Merle Ecker identify dominant agents influencing Swedish discourse in PRIF Working Paper read more

TraCe-Workshop on “The Backlash against the Women, Peace and Security Agenda”

Researchers discuss at PRIF read more

Challenges of climate diplomacy at the UN Climate Conference in Dubai

Prof. Dr Markus Lederer and Verena Lasso Mena report from COP28 read more

Global rights of LGBTIQ* people under scrutiny

New TraCe Policy Brief (in German) on Human Rights Day highlights demands on German politics read more

International Conference on Monroe Doctrine at Goethe University

International scholars convened for three-day conference „The Monroe Doctrine: History, Interpretations, Legacy”  read more

TraCe leaves Twitter/X

Why the research center is suspending its activities on the social media platform read more

TraCe goes Berlin: Policy dialogue with federal ministries & members of parliament

Bundled Colombia expertise for a non-public exchange with politicians read more

TraCe goes Brüssel: Research Center was a guest at the Crisis Talks

Panel discussion on “Coming to Terms with Colonial Violence” read more

Reintegration of former FARC combatants in Colombia

New TraCe Policy Brief examines reintegration in rural communities read more

Astrid Erll receives honorary doctorate from the University of Copenhagen

Faculty of Humanities honors research in Memory Studies read more

TraCe Stakeholder Workshop „Memory as a Resource in Conflict Transformation”

International workshop in Bogotá explored the role of media in peacebuilding read more

Workshop „The Internationalization of Intrastate Conflict”

TraCe researchers organized a workshop with advisory board member Stathis Kalyvas read more

Fifth TraCe Colloquium and General Meeting in Giessen

TraCe members come together for scientific and organizational exchange read more

Second edition of the TraCe Lecture Series this winter term

Lecture series "Arguing Violence. Making Peace." on Wednesday evenings in Giessen read more

“Science · Peace · Security 2023” took place in Darmstadt

From September 20-22, international scholars discussed Technology and Transformations of Political Violence read more

Welcome, Miyerlandy Cabanzo Valencia and Dr Jonah Schulhofer-Wohl

Just in time for SPS - TraCe Welcomes Fellows in Darmstadt read more

Transformation of Justification of Violence?

New TraCe Working Paper Examines Continuity and Change in War Justification. read more

Visiting Fellow supports TraCe Research

We Welcome Prof. Dr Annika Björkdahl read more

Panel “Seeking Truth, Justice, and Reparations after (Colonial) Violence”

TraCe scholars organize Panel at Pan-European Conference for International Relations in Potsdam  read more

TraCe Team continues to grow

Association of Rita Theresa Kopp and Álvaro Okura de Almeida read more

TraCe Team welcomes Visiting Fellow

Dr León Castellanos-Jankiewicz new Fellow with TraCe read more

TraCe featured in PRIF Review

Summary of TraCe activities in 2022 read more

Regine Schwab visits Stathis Kalyvas

Planned research stay in Oxford read more

State Building in Afghanistan – Lessons Learned?

Panel discussion with Philip Krämer, MdB took place at the TU Darmstadt read more

Panel “Memory Before Violence” at Memory Studies Association Conference

TraCe scholars organize panel at the Memory Studies Association Conference in Newcastle read more

Fourth TraCe Research Colloquium in Darmstadt

Interdisciplinary exchange on the concept of transformation with Prof. Dr Wolfgang Merkel (WZB) read more

TraCe participates with own panel at IR Section Meeting 2023

Open Section Meeting of the DVPW Section on International Relations in Friedrichshafen read more

Workshop „Repression, Conflict and Trust“ took place in Frankfurt

TraCe and ConTrust organized workshop on 6 June 2023 read more

Registration open for Science Peace Security

Register for the interdisciplinary conference taking place on September 20-22 2023 in Darmstadt  read more

Excellence Award from the State of Hesse for peace research

TraCe PI Nicole Deitelhoff receives Loewe Top Professorship read more

Mourning the Death of Academic Advisory Board Member Bear Braumoeller

Ohio State University politics professor passes unexpectedly read more

New Frontiers in Memory Studies: Memory in East Africa

On April 25, David Mwambari presented on Migration and Memory in Africa read more

Call for Papers | The Monroe Doctrine: History, Interpretations, Legacy

Call for Conference on December 1-2, 2023 organized by Justus-Liebig University Giessen and TraCe read more

First TraCe Podcast Episode Online

TraCe Members Astrid Erll and Christopher Daase are Guests on Podcast "PRIF Talk" read more

Three Years Since Hanau: How Inclusive is Germany’s Contemporary Remembrance Culture?

First TraCe Policy Brief by Sabine Mannitz, Lea Deborah Scheu and Isabelle Stephanblome read more

TraCe Annual Conference "Language(s) of Violence"

80 international scholars discussed "Language(s) of Violence"  read more

„TraCe Goes Berlin“ – Kick-Off event now on YouTube

A recording of the TraCe kick-off event on December 13, 2022 is now available on our YouTube channel read more

The earthquake in northwestern Syria - a natural and political disaster

Regine Schwab points to the failure of the international community in her PRIF blog read more

Third TraCe Research Colloquium and Association Meeting in Frankfurt

TraCe members meet for scientific and organizational exchange read more

Canada compensates colonial violence - a step towards justice?

Principal Investigator Sabine Mannitz and Rita Theresa Kopp discuss Canadian decision in blog article read more

The TraCe Team Grows

Association of Dr Özge Özdemir and Dr des. Hendrik Simon read more

The Putin-Regime’s Risk Acceptance and the War against Ukraine

TraCe Research Associate Jonas J. Driedger publishes new article read more

Call for Papers: Memory as a Resource in Conflict Transformation

International conference on the role of media and journalists in peacebuilding takes place in Colombia in 2023 read more

Transformation of Political Violence?

First TraCe Working Paper outlines research program on political violence read more

TraCe Goes Berlin: Kick-Off on Russian-Ukrainian War in Political Berlin

On 13.12.2022 the TraCe Kick-Off took place in Berlin  read more

Second TraCe Research Colloquium in Marburg

Interdisciplinary exchange on affect in violence research read more

TraCe Researchers participate in COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh

Markus Lederer an Verena Lasso Mena observe negotiations read more

Second TraCe Association meeting

TraCe participants meet in Darmstadt for joint discussion read more

„Perspectives on Violence in the 21st Century“ also on YouTube

TraCe lecture series in coming winter semester both in person and online read more

Lecture Series “Perspectives on Violence in the 21st Century” This Winter Term

TraCe lecture series will be held weekly in Marburg in the coming winter semester read more

TraCe Goes Online

More visibility for the research center “Transformations of Political Violence” through its own website read more

First Research Colloquium in Darmstadt

Interdisciplinary exchange with keynote speaker Stefan Malthaner read more

First Association Meeting in Frankfurt

TraCe-Participants come together to coordinate joint work read more

Researching Political Violence: TraCe Takes up Work

Five Hessian research institutions cooperate in interdisciplinary joint project read more