Sixth TraCe Colloquium and General Assembly in Frankfurt

TraCe members came together for scientific and organizational exchange


On Monday, March 18, 2024, the sixth scien­tific TraCe Research Colloquium and the sub­sequent General Assembly took place at Goethe Uni­versity Frankfurt. 

As part of the Research Colloquium, the partici­pants ex­changed ideas in a da­ta workshop with in­put from Dr Regine Schwab and Dr Kaya de Wolff.

The Research Collo­quium was followed by a TraCe General Assembly, in which mem­bers from various lo­cations addressed organi­zational and content-related issues. The members in­­formed each other about their respective work processes, ex­­changed ideas about further projects and, in small groups, for­mulated wishes and suggestions for further co­operation.