
The research area Synergies aims at esta­blishing a joint termin­ology that can guide inter­disciplinary work as well as building a common theo­retical, methodo­logical and normative back­ground.

Against this back­drop, the causes and effects of the concept­ual change of political violence will be examined, the affect­ivity and materiality of violence will be investi­gated and, lastly, the research will be compiled in a hand­book.

Taking a semantic approach to political violence, the work package traces the history of concepts, dif­ferentiates central terms to better capture new forms of violence, and takes into account qualitative deter­minants of political violence. It aims at making visible the causes and effects of language change by means of concept-historical and concept-analytical re­construction. The work package is coordinated by PRIF.


Principal Investigators

Research Associates

To what extent can recent re­search on violence from the social and cultural sciences be opened up for peace and conflict re­search and made fruitful as a useful com­plement to theories of violence? These questions are at the center of this work package. Building on the ling­uistic nature of violence, the project com­bines a theoretic approach with empirical case studies on violence in Ger­many in order to inves­tigate the affectivity and mate­riality of violence as well as the effect of tech­nologies on in­creasing in­dividual and collective propen­sity to violence. The work package is coor­dinated by Philipps University Marburg.


Principal Investigators

Research Associates

Bringing to­gether the results of the various re­search fields of TraCe is at the core of this work pa­ckage. It attempts to ans­wer the initial question of whe­ther develop­ments hint at a trans­formation of political vio­lence rather than paci­fication. The work package is coor­dinated by PRIF.

Principal Investigators

Research Associates