Third TraCe Research Colloquium and Association Meeting in Frankfurt

TraCe members meet for scientific and organizational exchange

On Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2023, the third scientific TraCe colloquium titled "Emotions in the Process of Political Violence" and subsequently the General Meeting took place at the Goethe University Frankfurt.

The third scientific research colloquium was dedicated to the topic of emotion and affect in violence research. After discussing the connection with violence research at the last colloquium in Marburg, the focus on Tuesday turned toward the connection between emotions and the process of political violence itself. The participants discussed the role of emotions in violent conflicts as well as the influence of emotions on the memory of political violence.

Whereas the first part was dedicated to lectures by Prof. Dr. Thilo Marauhn on "Humanitarian Law and Emotion" and Prof. Dr. Susanne Buckley-Zistel on "Memorials and Emotion", the second part focused on the discussion of scientific publications. In this context, participants presented the relevant literature from different scientific disciplines on the topic of emotion and discussed them afterwards.

The colloquium was also followed by the third general meeting, in which members of the research network discussed organizational and content-related issues. While on the one hand organizational questions concerning the scientific work were discussed, on the other hand a recap the first year of the project was on the agenda. The members reviewed the first year of the research center and discussed plans and visions for the future in small groups as well as in a plenary sessions.

The meeting also provided an opportunity for informal exchange during the final get-together.