TraCe organizes school workshop on NATO

Frankfurt students deal with global perspectives on NATO

On 31 January 2024, the re­search center “Transformations of Political Violence (TraCe)” organized a workshop at a Frankfurt school. For an entire morning, 13 pupils from an 8th grade class fo­cused on NATO. While simulating the German news format “Tagesschau”, they engaged in inter­active learning about the development, different positions and current challenges facing NATO in light of the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine. The work­shop was organized by TraCe coordinator Dr Annika E. Poppe and know­ledge transfer officer Tina Cramer. The workshop was scientifi­cally accompanied by Dr Jonas J. Driedger.

The workshop kicked-off with a welcome and intro­ductory round guided by Dr Annika E. Poppe and Tina Cramer. Afterwards, Dr Jonas J. Driedger introduced the topic with an input and first reconstructed the history of NATO's develop­ment together with the students. The students then worked in small groups to focus on the relationship between the three countries - the USA, Germany and Ukraine - and NATO. Using current news re­ports, the students looked at the attitude of each country towards NATO. Additionally, they dis­cussed the issues and challenges the respective governments were dealing with. Finally, they worked out each country's position on Ukraine joining NATO. The groups then pre­sented the result of their work to their classmates as correspondents in a simulated news broad­cast marking NATO's 75th anniversary. The work­shop was rounded off with a joint evaluation and feedback session and a concluding lunch.

The aim of the school workshop was to familiarize the students with current topics in peace and conflict re­search. As a TraCe stakeholder workshop, the aim was also to con­vey the work and content of the TraCe research center to the students. In the spirit of dialogical know­ledge transfer, global perspectives are integra­ted into political education and students re­flect together on the causes and possible solutions to political violence. TraCe already or­ganized a stakeholder workshop with journalists in Bogotà last year. Another stake­holder workshop is planned with actors from civil society.