In August, the Research Center TraCe welcomed two new associate researchers.
Rita Theresa Kopp is a research associate at the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt and examines how historical colonial violence is addressed in Canada. As an associate fellow with TraCe in research area 3.1, she investigates the interpretations of violence and the impact of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People (UNDRIP) on political discourse and the lived realities of Indigenous women.
Álvaro Okura de Almeida is a research associate at the State University of Londrina (UEL/Brazil) as well as the Center for Conflict Studies at Phillips University Marburg and studies transformations in the recognition of the military dictatorship in Brazil. As an associate fellow in research area 3.2, he focuses on the structures that enable and condition the voice of survivors and their inclusion in the official historiography of the country.