This year’s lecture series in Marburg will be titled “Perspectives on Violence in the 21st Century”. It is organized by Prof. Dr Felix Anderl and Dr Mariel Reiss. Renowned scholars from Germany and abroad will speak about their research on political violence by taking different disciplinary, methodological, regional and political perspectives in order to shed light on the various facets of research on violence.
For example, right-wing terrorism will be examined using the case of the NSU-Complex. Other lectures will focus on psychological perspectives, violence in the Latin American context, or memory culture in the context of conflict. In addition, several lectures take up a critical stance towards violence studies and peacebuilding by discussing queer perspectives, feminist engagements with climate change, or postcolonial positions on development. The program will be framed by two panel discussions: During the opening event, four researchers, moderated by Prof. Dr Thorsten Bonacker, will discuss the extent to which research on violence is changing or must change considering the current war against Ukraine. The closing panel, moderated by Prof. Dr Susanne Buckley-Zistel, will focus on the relationship between violence and research. More information about the program can be found here.
The lecture series will take place in English every Tuesday from 4.15 pm – 5.45 pm in Marburg, Biegenstraße 12, Room 201 (+2/0010), and will be available as a recording afterwards. The first event will be the panel discussion titled “The Impact of the War in Ukraine for Research” on Tuesday, 18.10.2022.