More information on the TMSS-project can be found here.
On April 25, David Mwambari spoke about "Life Narratives of Violence Among Refugees from Africa's Great Lakes Region (AGLR)" at Goethe University Frankfurt starting at 2:15 pm. David Mwambari presented his new research project, "Traveling Memories, Silences and Secrets (TMSS)," which is funded by an ERC Starting Grant. The project aims to capture the ways in which memories and life stories of refugees from the Africa Great Lakes Region (AGLR) evolve, move, and transform through experiences of flight across time and place. Furthermore, the research project will develop and combine different theoretical approaches to memory and migration studies as well as different methodological approaches in order to fill previous research gaps regarding the narratives and memories of AGLR refugees.
David Mwambari, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences at KU Leuven in Belgium, is Principal Investigator of the TMSS project. His lecture focused on how life narratives shape the community of AGLR refugees change through confrontation with assumptions and cultural ideas about AGLR refugees in host countries.
The event was organized by the Frankfurt Memory Studies Platform (FMSP) in cooperation with TraCe and the Center for Conflict Studies at Philipps University Marburg. As a lecture in the series "New Frontiers in Memory Studies" it will be available on the FMSP Webpage.
During a working meeting following the lecture, the scholars from the different institutions had the opportunity to exchange ideas and thus form research networks.
More information on the TMSS-project can be found here.