Mourning the Death of Academic Advisory Board Member Bear Braumoeller

Ohio State University politics professor passes unexpectedly

TraCe Directorate members express their sincere condolences in light of this upsetting news about Bear Braumoeller’s sudden passing on May 3, 2023.

Bear Braumoeller was a valued member of TraCe’s international scientific advisory board. At the first annual conference “Language(s) of Violence” in early March 2023, the research center had the opportunity to meet the political scientist in person and to benefit from his impressive experience in the study of political violence.

“We were privileged to get to know him as a highly engaged, committed and also extraordinarily warm colleague, who without thinking twice and unselfishly got involved in providing scientific support for our TraCe project”, said Jonas Wolff, TraCe co-spokesperson.

The research center will miss Braumoeller’s critical inquiries about the theoretical-conceptual foundations and the systemic effects of TraCe’s research, as well as his helpful tips for early career researchers.

The Ohio State University informed about the death of Bear Braumoeller on May 3, 2023. His family remembers Bear Braumoeller in an obituary