Prof. Dr. Jonas Wolff

Principal Investigator | Member of Directorate | Co-Speaker

[Translate to Englisch:] Foto von Jonas Wolff vor weißem Hintergrund.
[Translate to Englisch:] Foto: Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF)

What are implications of the in­creasing inter­nationalization of violent intra­state conflict for the form, intensity, and duration of political violence?

My research examines the current changing form of political violence in the context and aftermath of intra­state conflicts. I am in­terested in the increasing inter­nationalization of violent intra­state conflicts and the con­sequences for political violence. Further­more, I examine the global trend of ‘shrinking civic spaces’ and the targeted, re­pressive violence against social activists and civic actors. Empirically, I focus my research on the specific dy­namics in Latin America and especially Colombia.

Research Area Forms: 1.1 Findings on the Forms, Causes and Consequences of Political Violence