Dr. Regine Schwab

Research Associate

Foto von Regine Schwab vor hellem Hintergrund.
Foto: Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF)

I am interested in Islamist and jihadist actors and their inter­action with other actors in West Asia.

My research focuses on intra-state conflicts and Islamist and jihadist actors in inter­nationalized armed conflicts. Re­gionally, I focus on West Asia and primarily on Syria. I am con­cerned with structures and in­stitutions these actors (re)build, their be­havior and their inter­action with other groups but also with civilians and ex­ternal actors. I am particularly in­terested in ideological changes, violence against civilians and trans­formation processes. I also explore ways to en­gage with militant Islamist groups to de-escalate conflicts.

Research Area Forms: 1.1 Findings on the Forms, Causes and Consequences of Political Violence

Research Area Institutions: 2.3 Containment of New Violent Actors