Verena Lasso Mena

Research Associate

Foto von Verena Lasso Mena mit hellblauem Hintergund.
Foto: Verena Lasso Mena

Which causal mechanisms and pro­cesses are behind the in­crease of political violence in contexts of natural resource extraction?

My research focuses on political violence in the con­text of environ­mental and climate conflicts associated with natural re­source extraction. In addition to the relation­ between environ­mental and land defenders as well as activists and re­pressive institutions, I am in­te­rested in mechanisms and pro­­cesses associated with radi­cali­zation and terrorism in this con­­text. The aim of my re­search is to gain a deeper under­standing about causes of violent trans­formations and to develop strategies to prevent and miti­gate political violence in the con­text of environ­mental conflict.

Research Area Forms: 1.2 New Forms of Political Violence and Technological Change

Research Area Institutions: 2.3 Containment of New Violent Actors