In their latest book, John Crabtree, Francisco Durand and Jonas Wolff investigate the political role of economic elites in Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru from a comparative-historical perspective. They examine how business groups in the three countries have interacted with state authorities from the mid-20th-century till the present. Their analysis covers the state-led import substitutive industrialization of the 1950s-1970s, the neoliberalism of the 80s and 90s and the post-neoliberal period of 2000 onwards and looks at the balance of power between business elites and social movements.
Jonas Wolff will present the results of this joint research work and then discuss them with Franklin Ramirez and Anahí Macaroff. The event will be held in Spanish.
- Jonas Wolff, PRIF & TraCe
- Franklin Ramirez, Professor and researcher at the Department of Political Studies of the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO-Ecuador)
- Anahí Macaroff, Project Coordinator, FES Ecuador
- Erika Dávila, Communication Officer, FES Ecuador
When: August 6, 11.00 a.m. (CET)/17.00 p.m. (local time)
Where: Librería Abya-Yala. Ave 12 de Octubre, Quito 170517, Ecuador. A livestream is available via Facebook
Note: On Wednesday, August 7 (11 a.m. local time), Jonas Wolff will present the book at Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas of the University of Ecuador and discuss it with Soledad Stoessel, Cristina Bastidas and Miguel Ruiz (FCSH/UCE). Further information can be found online.