Business Power and the State in the Central Andes: Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru in Comparison

Book Presentation with Jonas Wolff via livestream (in Spanish)

In their latest book, John Crab­­tree, Francisco Durand and Jonas Wolff inves­­ti­gate the political role of eco­­nomic elites in Boli­via, Ecuador and Peru from a com­pa­rative-­his­torical pers­pective. They exa­mine how business groups in the three coun­tries have inter­­acted with state authori­ties from the mid-20th-cen­tury till the presentTheir ana­lysis covers the state-led import sub­sti­tutive indus­trialization of the 1950s-1970s, the neo­­liberalism of the 80s and 90s and the post-neo­liberal period of 2000 on­wards and looks at the ba­lance of power bet­ween busi­ness elites and social move­­ments.

Jonas Wolff will present the results of this joint research work and then discuss them with Franklin Ramirez and Anahí Macaroff. The event will be held in Spanish.


  • Jonas Wolff, PRIF & TraCe
  • Franklin Ramirez, Professor and researcher at the Depart­ment of Political Studies of the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO-Ecuador)
  • Anahí Macaroff, Project Coordinator, FES Ecuador


  • Erika Dávila, Communi­cation Officer, FES Ecuador

When: August 6, 11.00 a.m. (CET)/17.00 p.m. (local time)
Where: Librería Abya-Yala. Ave 12 de Octubre, Quito 170517, Ecuador. A livestream is available via Facebook 

Note: On Wednesday, August 7 (11 a.m. local time), Jonas Wolff will present the book at Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas of the University of Ecuador and discuss it with Soledad Stoessel, Cristina Bastidas and Miguel Ruiz (FCSH/UCE). Further information can be found online.