Dr. Mariel Reiss held two lectures at the University of Pretoria

TraCe Research in South Africa

Dr. Mariel Reiss was on a three months research stay in South Africa from the end of January until the end of April 2024. Here she conducted interviews, background information and engaged in discussions with colleagues and students at the University of Pretoria - with which the Philipps University Marburg has a Memorandum of Understanding. She carried out the trip as part of her work in TraCe. In February, she held a seminar at the Faculty of Humanities on the topic of “Human Rights Architectures in Regional Organizations” which is open to interested faculty members as well as students of the departments of political science and interdisciplinary centers at the University of Pretoria. She also held a lecture within the acclaimed Master course „Sexual Minority Rights in Africa“ by the Centre for Human Rights. Here she spoke about “LGBTQ+ Norms and Rights Discourses: a focus on Kenya” and discussed the insights from her recent research trip to Nairobi (November-December 2023).

For more information about the seminar on“Human Rights Architectures in Regional Organizations”, please check this article by the University of Pretoria.