Everyday Murat Politics in Afghanistan and its Diasporas

Lecture Series

Lecture Series “De- and Reconstructing LGBTI*Q Politics in a Postcolonial World”


A critical examination of phenomena and trans­formations of political violence also requires conversations with those individuals and groups who experience violence. The lecture series at the Center for Gender Studies and Feminist Futures Studies at the Philipps University Marburg there­fore opens up a space for an inter­disciplinary exchange between academics and activists.

While queer theories in the field of Inter­national Relations are heavily focused on the Global North, queer lives, queer worldmakings and queer politics in the Global South still remain in the margins. The over two de­cades of United States’ invasion of Afghanistan and the con­tinued war have challenged security and every­day life for Afghans, particularly for those who identify as murat. Despite the challenges and rise of im­perial homophobia, emergence of murat move­ment situates sexuality in historical Afghanistan and within the con­text of local cultures, practices, and politics. From dancing in under­ground spaces to sexing with politicians in private, forming horny kin­ships, pilgriming for Hajj, and inventing a clandestine queer language, murats in Afghanistan and its diasporas refuse western notions of queer­ness while queering the lands­capes of war and exiles. How do Afghan murats in Afghanistan and its diasporas engage in every­day politics despite re­maining in the peripheries? How does murat as a notion and practice refuse queer as universal? This lecture will address these questions while theorizing murat through a de/colonial ethno­graphic study with Afghan murats in Afghanistan and its diasporas. Theorization of murat invites scholars of inter­national relations, feminist studies and migration studies to a radical and de/colonial queer turn in their research, teachings, and engage­ments with the Global South as a geography and people.

The lecture is given by Ahmad Qais Munhazim. Ahmad Qais Munhazim is an assistant professor of global studies at Thomas Jefferson Uni­versity in Philadelphia and works as an interdis­ciplinary scholar, de/colonial ethnographer and artist. Munhazim’s work troubles borders of aca­demia, art and activism while ex­ploring everyday experiences of war and dis­placement in the lives of murat (queer and trans) Afghans.

When? Thursday, 15.06.2023, 1815 Uhr

Where? Raum: 201 (+2/0010), Verwaltungsgebäude der Universität Marburg, Biegenstrasse 12

The lecture series is affiliated with TraCe. It is co-organized by TraCe researcher Mariel Reiss and ties in with her research in Research Area 3. Topics from the TraCe lecture series of the winter semester 2022/23 will also be addressed.