The ninth lecture of the TraCe lecture series, organized by Felix Anderl and Mariel Reiss of Marburg University, is titled "Feminist Responses to the Violence of Climate Change" and given by Wendy Harcourt. She is a Professor at the International Institute of Social Studies of the Erasmus University Rotterdam. In her work she focuses on questions of gender and diversity as well as Sustainable Development.
When? Tuesday, January 10 2023, 4:15-5:45 pm
Where? Philipps University Marburg, Biegenstrasse 12, Room 201 (+2/0010)
The TraCe lecture series in the winter term 2022/2023 will be held in person and in English. Additionally, the lecture will be streamed live on our YouTube Channel and a video recording will be made available afterwards. More information and the full program can be found on the Lecture Series' page (available in German and English).