The second lecture of the TraCe lecture series, organized by Felix Anderl and Mariel Reiss of Marburg University, will discuss the "Parliamentary Investigations into Right-Wing Terrorism - The Case of the NSU-Complex". The lecture will be given by Max Pichl (Universität Kassel). His research focuses on the constitutional reappraisal of the right-wing murder series as well as EU migration policies since 2015.
When? Tuesday, October 25 2022, 4:15-5:45 pm
Where? Philipps University Marburg, Biegenstrasse 12, Room 201 (+2/0010)
The TraCe lecture series in the winter term 2022/2023 will be held in person and in English. A video recording will be made available afterwards. More information and the full program can be found on the Lecture Series' page (available in German and English).