Politics of Public Space and Transformations of Memories of Violence

TraCe-Panel at MSA Annual Conference in Lima

Nurél Bahí Reitz and Kaya de Wolff organize the panel “Poli­tics of public space and trans­formations of memories of vio­lence” of the annual con­ference of the Memory Studies Asso­ciation (MSA). Researchers from TraCe and the Frank­furt Memory Studies Plat­form of Goethe Uni­versity will be pre­senting on the panel. The con­ference from July 18 to 20, 2024 in Lima, Peru, is dedi­cated to “Memo­ries in Transit”.


  • Rebeca Lopes Cabral | Frank­furt Memory Studies Plat­form
  • Özge Özdemir | Frank­furt Memory Studies Plat­form & TraCe Associate

Moderation: Jonas Prinzleve | Frank­furt Memory Studies Plat­form 

When: July 18 2024, 11:15 am

Where: Lima (Peru) & online

Further infor­mation on the con­ference can be found on the con­ference web­site.